How to quickly change your reputation with factions in the The Sims 4 Star Wars: Journey to Batuu game set

If you’d like to upgrade your status within the Batuu ranks as soon as possible, use the developer code. While you’ll earn all rewards that you can get through this method, you’ll have to go through the quests of your faction starting from scratch.

Thus, type in your developer’s code, then shift+click on the sim and choose the “Codes for Batuuu …” selection from the drop-down menu. The majority of options aren’t marked, or otherwise, therefore you must proceed in the following manner:

1. Let’s pick”Reputation” from Batuuu “Reputation on Batuuu.”

2. Choose your desired percentage. The most prominent non-signed choice can be described as First Order.

3. If you are looking to set your reputation level, it is necessary to choose the option on the right-hand side that is the lowest unsigned. On the other hand, choose the top choice if you just want to elevate your reputation to the next level.

WARNING! During testing, it was discovered that these options are changed regularly during the duration of the First Order!

4. On the following menu, choose the desired level of fame with the faction and follow the steps on the screen. The choice ” ” is the only way to eliminate reputation with the faction.

5. If you want to boost your current advance a little, choose the faction you’d like to join from the menu and select the “Add Progress” …” Option. Two specific numbers here, so select the one that you like most. Repeat the process as needed until you reach the desired results.

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We’re hoping that in future patches , the translation of these options will be made available, since players who are not English-speaking have complained to the developers, and it will be easier to navigate.

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