Growing Large Crops in The Sims 4 Country Life

If you’ve ever played The Sims Unleashed, you most likely have a memory of the ability to plant huge plants using specific fertilizers. In The Sims 4, your gardeners will be able to amaze everyone by growing the largest plants in their plots!

The complexities of growing large-scale crops

In addition, you can plant large-scale varieties of crops like watermelon, pumpkin, and even mushrooms. To grow these plants, creators have developed a unique gardening method that isn’t a part of the standard. In the long run, taking care of the plants can improve your gardening skills; however, everything else from planting to harvesting is unique to the five crops. You must plant them in a specially-designed bed (available in regular beds too). You can purchase two kinds of seedbeds that are new by purchasing them in the purchase menu under “Hobbies and Skills”/”Activity.”The first is a “Hobbies & Skills” section.

The larger crops are believed to be planted using seeds, not by fruit like we’re used to. Large crops can be bought via clicking on the seedseed bed, placing an order via the internet, or purchasing from the garden shop in Hanford-on-Bagley.

After you plant your seeds, you’ll find nine seedlings instead, and you’ll need to wait for a couple of days before knowing the quantity of fruit you’ll harvest and if there are even one of the largest-sized ones within them. It depends on how much attention you pay to the plants and how you tend to them. In the end, you will get small, medium, or massive fruit.

When your seedlings transform into plants that will bear fruit in the future, You can determine the size your next harvest will look like. This happens within two days of planting. The quantity of fruits determines their size. Four fruits mean you’ll pick four small fruits. Two fruits are medium-sized, while one fruit is huge (except the eggplants, which are grown in pairs). So the number of fruits is a measure of the size.

Generally, the care for big crops isn’t that different from normal gardening. You need to be sure to water the plants, trim them, get rid of insects, encourage growth and then fertilize the plants. It is also possible to talk to your plants, but the main thing is prompt care and fertilization.

Large crops are available throughout the year. With a supplement, they’ll produce and bear fruit all year long.

When the large vegetables in your garden are in their prime and you’ve picked the entire harvest, you’ll need to begin the whole process all over again to plant new seeds. Also big crops aren’t included in the collection of plants.


Like traditional gardening, you will require fertilizer to get the maximum results. It’s just that you will need specially designed fertilizers for large crops. Some fertilizers speed up the development of the produce, while others improve their condition and enhance the likelihood of large fruit. Conventional fertilisers (e.g., fish or vegetables) and other methods of improving the health of plants (such as honeybees) will not work in this case. Fertilizer for big crops can be bought through clicking on the bed at a garden shop or at the time of harvesting the stable or chicken coop, or as a reward when citizens run errands.

Life Juices. Are you concerned about your plant’s health or is it is not of the best quality? If so, then you’re at the right spot! Spray this fertilizer at least once a day to maintain the health of your plants and increase the quality of your crop. The fertilizer is available for purchase through clicking the mattress.
The life sap

Do you want to dramatically improve the condition of your plant’s health? Apply fertilizer daily to ensure optimal plant health and highest quality yields.

Fertilizer can be obtained after the harvest of the stable, or as an award at fairs.
No worries

This fertilizer was created to help gardeners who do not have the time. It is guaranteed to stop the growth of weeds and deter pests! Spray the fertilizer onto your plants once every couple of days and remember to keep your plants hydrated.

Fertilizer can be bought through clicking the beds, or in the garden shop.
Rapid growth

for faster growth of plants. The daily application of the fertilizer can increase the growth rate of any plant, and your plant will be ready just enough to be ready for the competition!

The fertilizer is available in the garden store.

If your plants require some help with this fertilizer, it’s the perfect choice for you. Make use of the fertilizer regularly to increase the size of your plants or to make your existing plants somewhat larger.

Fertilizer is available through running errands with locals.
Speed of sound

The best fertilizer for growth. Make use of the fertilizer regularly to help the plant expand at an incredible rate or increase its weight in the form of overload!

Fertilizer can be gotten by running errands to locals.

If you apply fertilizer it creates a visual effect, that appears in the form of a light is visible over the bed so that you are able to easily determine whether the plant is in its effects and not be confused as to what plant is fertilized and which one isn’t. The duration of action for the fertilizer is eight hours.

Wildlife Assistance

Rabbits and birds are an excellent source of help in caring for both common and large-scale crops.

Being a part of a bird’s flock can assist you in establishing the wild bird tree in the garden. When a community has settled in, make friends with them and seek their assistance with your garden. Birds will be happy to kill any insects bothering your plants each morning. Additionally, the sound of birdsong boosts the growth of plants which is crucial when you have large crops.

It’s pretty easy to find rabbits. All you need to do is search for the stump’s home within Bramblewood Forest or Old New Hanford Most of the time, the rabbit is found in the vicinity. However, you can summon it by clicking the stump and selecting the “Try to attract the rabbit away” option. Additionally, if your character is located inside one of those locations, the rabbits frequently come to the plot. After you’ve made acquaintances with wild rabbits, you can put their home made stumps on the lot, and they’ll be living in your backyard. Rabbits love to munch on plant growth and weeds and even fertilize them by dumping their waste.The rabbits will also eat the grass.

Golden Chickens

If your sims have chickens, they can gift one to transform the chicken into a golden-bearing hen (gold treats are usually present in rabbits’ gifts or birds). Perhaps you’ll be fortunate enough to find a gold hatching egg, which the chicken will develop. Then, when you make friends with a gold-bearing hen and ask for her help to help you, you’ll have a wonderful gardener that will help you bless your crops, thus improving their health.

How to produce huge fruit

The planning of large-scale crops is only half of the task. It is still necessary to do your best to ensure they can grow big. Based on how you care for your crops, you could obtain small, medium, or large fruit. The size of your harvest for the future is determined by the time the seedling is in transition and is based on the health of your seedlings at this moment in time:

  • Excellent – groomed and in great condition under fertilizer
  • Medium – well-groomed and free of exposure to fertilizer
  • Small – Normal Condition and Worse No fertilizer exposure

Therefore, seeds need to be healthy and well-groomed for seeds to grow into massive fruit. They must also be in the presence of fertilizers (for this, it is suggested use it is recommended to use the fertiliser “Life Juices” can be used). It is crucial to realize that fertilizer can play an important part during this procedure, as it is an assurance of an unbeatable outcome; it’s not considered an essential requirement. If you allow the plant enough space, allow their growth, pull them back when they are ready, and water them and be sure to speak to them at times, you may harvest a huge amount of fruits, even without fertiliser as the seedlings develop.•

Yield Quality, weight, cost

A typical cycle from beginning to ripening can take about one week. The time frame can vary in certain circumstances, like in the case of fertilizers that boost the growth of plants. Once the crop is mature, it is possible to pick it up or dispose of it on the bed. When you hover over a plant in the luggage of your character will provide you with information on its weight, quality, and worth—five levels of quality that are normal, good superb, outstanding, and flawless.

The weight and price aren’t so rigorously assessed. Additionally, the cost of fruits from the same species may differ significantly even in the same harvest – it’s all about the size, quality, and weight. If you don’t collect the fruit immediately after it has ripened and then let it lay on the ground and grow, it will gradually gain weight, but it isn’t rapid – each day, it increases an amount, based on the importance of the base. For instance, pumpkin and watermelon may gain two additional pounds over only a few days, but the lettuce itself is light and has very little. In addition, Acceleration, as well as Supersonic Speed fertilizers, could aid in weight gain if you’re lucky enough to have these.

Another characteristic that differentiates large-scale crops from ordinary plants is their shelf-life. When the harvest is completed, fruits are only fresh for a week. Its storage in the fridge will certainly extend its shelf life, however, not indefinitely. If you don’t use the items in the time frame, they will become rotten.

How do you use the crop

Since the harvest is done, now is the time to choose what you’ll do with it. The first thing to do is not forget to snap selfies with your huge pumpkin! There is an option to take pictures of the mature plant. It’s not going to fit into the photo fully, but it’s a good idea for an Instagram simstagram.

Then, take to take it seriously. The first thing is that the crop is sure to be used for cooking, and this is particularly relevant if you’ve got The Simple Life challenge turned on. Additionally, certain large-sized crops are utilized for cooking pets. Therefore, you’re better off with smaller and medium-sized fruit and keep the larger ones for other applications when cooking.

Additionally, big fruits can cost a lot and may be sold for an additional 10% to the Hanford-on-Bagley grocery store when you bargain with the seller before. On good days, you can negotiate for a mark-up of 25! Also, you can sell your produce yourself using an exclusive sale table offering a maximum of 300 percent ( Life in the City add-on and the game)! If you’re aiming to grow vegetables to sell, be sure to be aware that the most affordable vegetables are watersmellons (maximum 360+ SS), and the most expensive ones are mushrooms (maximum 730+ SS) and eggplants due because they are grown together (maximum of 360+ SS for each piece). The prices are based on the best high-quality fruit.

Third, the biggest weight, most heavy, and expensive fruit could be set in a big crop competition in the following. Select large fruits with the best quality, the highest weight, and worth to present.

It is possible to transform huge fruits into attractive ones using the unique option “Make decorative items out of a big crop.” It will give you a wonderful design in your kitchen or garden. The largest mushroom can also be used for a different purpose. You can create a fantastic chair by clicking it and then selecting “Turn on the toad to make stool” *<

*Wordplay not understood by localizers. Toadstool is the common name of poisonous (or generally, flat-topped forest) mushrooms. Literally, “toadstool.” Most likely, the English translation was “turn a toad into the stool,” which is meaningless in Russian.

You now know the basics of the cultivation of large-scale crops. Ask any questions you have and also share your knowledge.

Have fun playing.

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