The Sims 4 Not a Dustbin Kit Review

Access to this set supplied through Electronic Arts

The players often request simpler household items such as laundry or even new cleaning options, which can be added to the game. We already have it; now it’s time to tidy up! This set, The Sims 4 No Dust set, will offer new possibilities for those who enjoy cleaning or who are looking to transform their Sims’ home into a complete pig. To sty! To find out more about what these sets are available, check out

Dust Display System

If you download the “Not a Dusty Dust” set “Not a Dusty dust” set, the game will come with an air-quality display system. The idea behind it is that every floor of the house is an amount of dust, which is not just based on the frequency at which Sims clean and dusting, but also on other factors like the presence of dirty dishes, puddles, or trash heaps over the flooring, and the amount and type of the people living within the house! For instance, dust and dirt will grow much more quickly in large families with pets and babies than in families with two or three adult Sims.

This is because the dust level isn’t established for each room separately and the whole floor. It might seem odd since it isn’t possible to clean your kitchen while keeping the bathroom tidy. However, it will be simpler to organize for large houses with many floors. Otherwise, your entire game is limited to using an air cleaner.

Keep in your mind that the greater amount of dirt collects and the longer you’ll need to devote to cleaning. It’s best to keep regularly vacuuming to help keep your home clean to an acceptable degree. If obviously, living in a filthy home is the goal.

The dust display feature can be removed at any point within the game’s settings if you’d like.

Attention! There’s an issue that, after shutting down the system sims are still receiving cleanliness muzzles, and dust particles continue to appear. Try entering CAS into the system and then back to the game, it may assist.

The levels of dust

You can assess the dust levels in your house by tapping on it then selecting the “Check Level” “Check dust level” option. Four levels are available, each with specific characteristics and impacts the Sims distinctly living within the region.

Clean. The floor is spotless! The glowing setting helps participants concentrate, inspire and stimulate. Don’t stop; otherwise, the floor will be smudged.

If you begin the game for the first time or start saving for the first time following the system’s installation, the family’s home will be spotless, and the floors will be sparkling with cleanness.

All Sims who live on the floor that is clean will get an “Perfectly Clean environment” Inspiration mulet (inspiration +2 without action time) that will help make their actions and even working at home or learning new skills more efficient.


The floor is filthy! It provides a relaxing atmosphere and allows the characters to establish relationships quicker and enjoy cleaning up more. However, if they don’t maintain their cleanliness at least once a week, the floors will eventually get filthy …

Dusty does not necessarily mean dirty despite the name. According to the concept of the developers, the house is usually clean, and in a few areas, there is a tiny amount of dust. This is normal in the average home where people of every day life. However, in the house of your characters, there will be a swarm of dust in certain areas. Furthermore, the animated dust balls will be visible at this level and explained below.

Everyone Sims on the floor will be given a smiley “Someone lives Here” mulet (happiness +1 without any action time) that will help them develop relationships quicker and have more fun cleaning.


The floor is dirty! Due to it, the characters could struggle to communicate, and certain actions might take longer to be completed. If you aren’t careful, then the floor will be filthy!

After many years, if you do not clean your floor, it will become dirty. The dust piles will increase on the floor; dust will be deposited while dust particles whirl through the air.

All Sims who are found on the dirty floor will receive the “Everything is dirty” mulet (tension +1 without any action time), and it becomes more difficult to communicate with them and concentrate on their daily chores.

Clean Disgusting

This floor looks disgustingly dirty! The characters are sure to be uncomfortable. Particularly if the dirty pranksters begin to appear! As they say, “movement is only up,” but we’ll have to get rid of it.

On such a floor, the dirt layer on the floor and other surfaces will be clearer, the marks of dirty shoes and dust piles are visible everywhere. Dust particles will also be flying in the air. Instead of dusty balls and pranksters with dusty faces, dusty pranksters appear on floors. These will be explained a bit later.

Any Sim who’s on a filthy floor will experience a severe discomfort mulet that reads “Unbearable dirt!” (discomfort +2 without action time) that renders them virtually unaffected by anything. If pets are part of the household, they also are stressed and uncomfortable in a mess.

Methods for cleaning

Clean up your home in any way that you want to clean dishes, picking up and throwing out dust and trash cleaning up puddles, cleaning kitchen drawers and plumbing and more.

If you’ve got “City Life” installed, ensure that it has “Dwarves” in your region to ensure that you don’t need to be concerned about keeping your home clean at all times.

Characters can ask others to assist them in cleaning. This feature is accessible through clicking the floors (followed by choosing the character you wish to assist from the menu) or by clicking on a particular person in the menu of friendly interactions (in this case, the sim asking for assistance must have an unfavorable mulet in the messy surroundings).

Additionally, there is a choice for you to “Make Clean” on another Sim in the realm of bad interactions. Indeed, this can negatively impact their relationship as well as one another. Sim, for example, was forced to perform the cleaning as well, will also be receiving negative mulettes. For example, “Forced cleaning! (sadness +2 hours).

The assistance is, however, restricted to one step. For example, the sim can clean up all the puddles on the website or collect dishwashing liquids and wash the drawers in the kitchen. If the house is large and there are a lot of puddles caused by broken plumbing, he’ll go around and wipe them clean and be completely clueless.

If you’ve installed an “Parents” game set, you can ask your child or teenager to assist in cleaning up raises the parents, and also in teens and children, raises .

In the end, the majority of this should suffice to keep the home at a minimum “Dusty” and tidy. However, new vacuum cleaners will complete the job better.

The disadvantages in vacuum cleaners potential improvements

Two kinds of vacuum cleaners are available, a portable one and an upright one. A portable model has two models, while the upright model has three. There’s an adequate number of colors on each one. Children too can benefit from their portable vacuum as well as the model with a good design is for Sims starting at the age of a teenager.

An upright cleaner is used to clean floors, whereas it is a portable model that can clean surfaces and other objects which can become filthy (kitchen cabinets, bathrooms fixtures, kitchen drawers.). The upright vacuum cleaner can be kept in a simple place on the property and then used when required. If it’s standing in the area, it is necessary to select the vacuum icon and then select”Vacuum” from the “Vacuum Around” option. If it’s in the luggage, you can click on it or the ground. To activate it, simply click on the object in the trash and then select “Vacuum thoroughly.”

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Like all appliances used, the vacuum cleaner can also be upgraded, making the battle against dust more efficient. Four enhancements are offered in total

  • Install a bottomless bag Your vacuum cleaner’s bag will never be overflowing once more
  • Add a battery to allow auto-recharging The vacuum cleaner is powered by self-charging batteries and requires none of the electricity needed, making it suitable in areas with no infrastructure.
  • Install a pulse shredder – With this upgrade it is possible for the vacuum to emit a powerful electromagnetic signal and eliminate debris in the vicinity. It is available only for upright models of vacuums.
  • Rotors made of titanium – Because of the titanium rotors, the vacuum cleaner won’t fail to function – regardless of the amount of dust you inhale.

Moodlets of cleaning

Cleaning can also provide various mulettes based on the condition of your floor.The floor will also give sims different mulettes based on the condition of the

Of course, you must keep in your mind that if you clean your home to a horribly filthy state and your sims are constantly stressed and uncomfortable and stress, they will not want to wash in that state.

Some additional information regarding vacuum cleaners

  • Maidens can use the vacuum cleaner to clean.
  • Butlers do not vacuum by default. However, they’ll do so should you offer them the option of using a vacuum.
  • Cleaning robots and vacuums are also able to wash.
  • Sims can also vacuum their babies to provide them with more hygiene.
  • Pets are usually scared when they see the vacuum cleaner.

Effect on character mood and behavior

Based on the above, the level of dust can influence the character’s mood and, based on that; the sims will experience both positive and negative muzzles. A messy environment won’t impact the quality of the items made by the person (food artwork, food, and other things) in the best manner. However, the amount of dust in the environment can affect the social interactions between the Sims. Thus, for instance, it is unlikely that every Sim will enjoy or create romantic vibes in a filthy environment, which will make your Sim aware. Particularly if romantic interactions prove unsuccessful, the one who initiated them is given a “Disorder affects an atmosphere” mulet (tension +2 for two hours). Likewise, if you host guests at the party in a dirty house, each sim in the family will be given the embarrassment mulet “Usually it’s cleaner in this house” (humiliation and 2 additional hours).

Additionally, in an online stream of the initial three games, SimGuruNinja said that certain character traits have been updated to give more realistic gameplay and realism:

    • Cleaner The sim is able to autonomously cleans floors and surfaces and floors, allowing for more leisure in the process. It is also more likely than other sims to be impacted by negative mulettes from cleaning.
    • Nerja is comfortable in a messy area and will not independently make use of a vacuum cleaner and may be anxious if forced to use one. However, the slob can be happy at the cleanliness and clean flooring.
  • Lazybones – Do not clean themselves, but will instead request help to clean. They will usually refuse to help when asked by someone else him to help clean.

lazybones will not wash by themselves however, they will ask others to clean.

  • Featherless – does not feel at ease in dirty spaces and feels uncomfortable while cleaning, and becomes more dirty his own. If the character is filthy, then he has no desire to keep his home clean.

Sims with preveridae as their Preveridae characteristic are already uncomfortable with dirt or cleaning. It’s unclear what exactly was meant by this. There was also a claim the Gourmet might feel uneasy cooking in a filthy kitchen; however, no specific muzzles have been identified to help with this.

In addition, the characters that earn the points of satisfaction carefree as well as Shameless are compatible with the new system , and their owners won’t be distracted by their surroundings, even if they’re not an slob.

Dusty Clogs along with Dusty Pranksters

Dustballs, also known as dusty pranksters, can be funny small creatures made from garbage and dust that appear like rabbits. In fact, in the beginning, dustballs are referred to as dust bunnies; however, the localizers decided to name them something different. If your house is clean, they won’t be found, obviously, but in filthy homes, they’ll appear quickly. Dustballs are lovely and valuable creatures, in contrast to their predatory counterparts.


If the dust content on a floor reaches”Dusty,” the “Dusty” stage dustballs appear on the floor. They’re cute and easy to get along with. They’ll quietly search through the dirt, finding tiny amounts of cash in and out – around thirty to three hundred ssimoleons (the quantity will then be credited to your account with no notification). And that’s not all. upon your request, they’ll be able to search for various valuable and valuable small things to help you.

Dust balls don’t travel around the house in their way, and they remain in the same spot they first appeared. However, you can move them when you are in construction mode.

Click on the dustball, and you’ll be able to see its description, the name, and the level of happiness. It can be extremely low and low and neutral, happy, and extremely happy. To boost happiness, you must treat the dustball, and it will reward you for its important findings. When clicking on the dust ball, there are several options to choose from:

  • Give it a name This feature allows you to give a name to the dustball. The name you choose will be random; however, you can type in any name you like.
  • Feed Dust This option boosts the level of happiness in the dust ball. This option comes with a brief time to recover (about one hour).).
  • feed the dustball To allow this option to be active, it is necessary to give the dustball a feed. Sim will hold the ball into his hands and strike it. This option boosts the happiness of the dusty ball. Sims receive the care of the dust ball muzzle (happiness +2 hours).
  • Brothering to make the feature active, you have to feed the dust ball for a few minutes and then play with it until it is pleased. Each floor can make friends with just one dustball, and then it will become an all-family member. If he is your friend, he will not disappear from your home when the dust level is changed from “Clean” to “Clean,” which means you won’t have to be worried about accidentally sweeping him off when you clean. After you have taken action and decided, the Sim will receive a Dusty Friends Forever muzzlelet (+3 happiness for 2 hours).
  • Find useful objects A ball of dust could uncover and give you many simoleons as well as other useful things. For instance, components for improvement, toys for children or collectibles, and dishes of excellent quality. The amount of money you can find is variable, ranging between 400 and 900 Simuleons. The option to find money is always available. However, the value and the quality of the item will depend on the level of happiness of the rabbit, and the most valuable items are located by the rabbits with whom you have a relationship. However, rabbits who have lower levels of happiness might not be able to find anything.

If you wish for the dust to remain as dust and not a “pet,” it is possible to eliminate dust particles without shutting down your entire system (though they won’t last forever, they’ll still exist in the event that the conditions are favorable to allow it). There are two methods to do this:

  • Tread the sympathizer, who tramples an entire ball of dust.
  • Dust The choice is made available if there’s a vacuum at the location or in the luggage of the character. Sim can simply vacuum to remove the dust.
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The dustball may have been a member of your family during your process of destruction; the person that destroyed it receives an emotional mole “From dusty buddies to dust” (sadness and 2 hour duration).

Dustballs can also be eliminated in the event that the dust concentration on the floor is changed from “Clean” or “Disgustingly Dirty” (except for those with whom the sim has made friends).

Dusty Prankster

Dusty Pranksters begin appearing when the dust concentration on the floor becomes “Dirty.” They are easily distinguished apart from good-natured tangs with their dark eyes. They can be difficult to be around and could pose a danger to sims. However, when handled appropriately, Pranksters are useful within the family.

Click on the prankster’s dusty face, and you’ll be able to see its description as well as the name and amount of damage. It can be extremely low and low, as well as harmful, neutral, or very dangerous. They are neutral in appearance; however, if you don’t take care to ignore the prankster, the degree of danger will rise. If you don’t rid yourself of them, over time, the prankster’s pranksters will spread into a dusty pile and add dirt on the floor, and another one will emerge in a different location. You should make sure to reduce their level of harm or even neutral, as hazardous dusty pranksters can ignite your house. There are a variety of options to manage the degree of danger when you click on a prankster

  • Give the name This allows you to give the prankster a name. The name you choose will be random; however, you can type the name you want to use.
  • Reduce – lowers the amount of harm caused by dusty Pranksters. The option has a quick recovery time (about one hour).
  • Do not attempt to pet the pet – most likely, the attempt will fail, and Sim will be given an “I’ll remain away” Scare Muzzle (scare +2 for 2 hours), and for the duration of this time virtually every interaction with the prankster’s dusty face will cease to be active. If it is successful, the prankster’s damaging degree is diminished.
  • Ask for mercy If it is successful, this method reduces the prankster’s reputation as a dirty prankster.
  • Request to go through the junk unlike the dust ball. The dust prankster usually brings you food and junk. But the less they are able to do in terms of toxicity, the greater chance you’ll find something useful from their pranks.
  • BefriendTo be able to be active, you must meet the new life objective “Incredible Dirt.” A prankster that is dusty and became your pal isn’t any different than a tangle of dust. Sims who have the prize-winning character characteristic “Dust of the Ages” will be awarded an uplifting muzzlelet when they interact with them.

In addition to dust balls from pranksters who are dusty, There are two options to remove dustballs (and similar, but without completely stopping the system, it will only be a short-term solution). There are two ways to get rid of dustballs:

  • Trample Tread Sim will attempt to tromp the prankster’s dust; however, if the attempt fails, he will receive the “I’ll keep it away” muzzle to scare (scare +2 during 2 hours) for 2 hours, after which virtually every interaction with the prankster who is dusty will cease.
  • Vacuuming This option is available if there’s a vacuum cleaner on the location or inside the luggage of the character and is in effect even when the muzzles are scared. Sim is given the “Thunder of Pranksters Dusty” assurance muzzle (+2 confidence for two hours).

Dusty Pranksters can disappear completely on their own when the dust content on the floor shifts into “Clean” or “Dusty” (excluding the ones who have made friends).

It’s sad that pets don’t get to communicate with them and pay no focus to the animals. This is among the few things that frustrate me. What a wonderful thing it could be if cats could play with dustballs or search for pranksters who are dusty. For instance, as follows:

Goals for life in the new year

“Not a Dusty Thing” bundle “Not a Dusty thing” bundle included two brand new goals in life that relate cleaning to this game: Perfect Cleanliness and Amazing Dirt (both are part of the “Location” category).

Sims who have a goal of perfection in cleanliness want to ensure that their house is always neat and clean. Believing in their impressive homes, these Sims are always striving for perfection and feel ecstatic when they can display their clean and tidy homes to visitors.It is a pleasure to show guests their impeccable homes.

In order to achieve this goal, to achieve this goal, a Sim is granted the trait of character “Dry to Board”. Sims who have this trait are not affected by negative reactions when cleaning while cleaning, and their Leisure Scale level is not diminished. Sims with this trait are cleaner and might become more attentive when cleaning. They can be eligible for “Thoroughly Clean” and “Thoroughly Vacuum” actions that help thoroughly tidy up.

There’s a reason for everything! Incredible Dirt prefers clutter and dirt and simply refuse to tidy. Do not bother with household chores or ignore them; reduce the standards you set, then look for alternatives to living in a disgusting space!

If you achieve this goal, you will be awarded the characteristic trait the trait of Dust of Ages. The characters with this trait will not be able to endure negative feelings when they are in dirty or unclean environments. They are not clean and love dirt and prefer dirty and disgustingly filthy homes. They can also be social and have fun with dirty pranksters! <

Attention! It is currently difficult to complete certain stages of the objective “Incredible Dirt”. The challenges “don’t clean up at minimum one floor in the home” and “cook three dishes in a disgustingly dirty or dirty kitchen” could not count.


In conclusion, The Sims 4 Not a Dusty Set provides an extremely realistic element to the game through the use of pollution control mechanisms and the requirement to clean regularly. Although, as we’ve said, the mechanism appears odd, you’ll be used to it; because it’s all to make it easier for players. But there are other aspects that raise doubts. For instance, carpets and furniture that are upholstered aren’t visually dirty and cannot be cleaned. However, the portable vacuum cleaner could wash the toilet or sink. This, in general, isn’t surprising either since it is much simpler to add to the dust system items which might already be infected rather than to establish new requirements for further. Dustballs are certainly beautiful creatures; however, their adherence to a single area can ruin the overall effect, as when searching for objects, they remain at a single spot. If you don’t get caught up in such things, the entire set is very interesting and provides many fun moments and even some kind of competition for the players.

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