Magic Artifacts Collection in The Sims 4 World of Magic Game Set

The Magic Artifacts collection consists of three types of magic objects, such as magic wands and brooms with different colors and kinds, and the spheres of magical pets. The pool itself is vast and includes 56 items. However, to count it; you need only complete its central portion comprising 26 pieces (in the journal of the collection, the background of the icons is darker, so you don’t be confused). The collection’s central part includes the entire range of magical pet spheres and one copy of each kind of wand and broomstick.

As a reward for accumulating the majority part of your collection you’ll be presented with A “Magic Antique” special plaque.

How do you build an artifact collection that is magical

Collections are often gathered within The Magic World, and the fastest method of doing this is through a wizard. You can find collections at magical shops, in bookcases, and win the prizes of a magic duel. However, a regular Sim could also attempt to win, but the process is more lengthy.

  • Purchase from merchants located within Spellcaster’s Alley This collection method is not just available to wizards. However, it is also available to regular Sims. Go to Spellcaster’s once you have entered through the Portal into the Magic World. There, you must visit two shops. Magic wands are available for purchase, and spheres with magic animals at Juan’s Universal Wand warehouse and brooms can be purchased from the “Brooms, Trinkets and other” store. The selection of stores changes every day, so make sure to go to them every day.
  • Find magical books hidden in cabinets only accessible to wizards. Click on any cabinet within the Magic World, select the “Search for Magical Books” option, and Sim will begin to search. You can generally discover spell books and spheres of the magical pet in this manner.
  • You can win a duel to collect artifacts This is the primary method used by experienced wizards to build a full collection of magical artifacts. Each time a duel is won, your character will get two random items for collection. They will generally be the same type, i.e., 2 magic Brooms, 2 spheres, two wands. Be aware that both common and uncommon items are available by battling ordinary wizards, whereas Wizards must take rare items; however, beating them will be much more difficult.
  • Allows you to bring a pet dog or cat – when you’ve got the “Cats and Dogs Addon, and you want to have your four-legged companion become your friend and then instruct it to go to search for food’. After a while, the pet will deliver you an unidentified box that might contain various ingredients for potions and occasionally the wands or brooms. But, this isn’t the most reliable method since, it’s the ingredients located in the box most of the time.

While you might have lots of things in your possession, they won’t clog up your luggagebecause both brooms and wands can be placed in the same slot and make your inventory look nice, and you can carry around a large collection.

Beware! The main part of the collection needed to create a commemorative plaque is put together without difficulty. But the addition of additional components could be a challenge. It’s because currently, it’s impossible to find 10 different shades of magic wands. This is a widespread issue that has an AHQ discussion at AHQ regarding this issue, so if encounter the same problem then click the first post in”Me too” and click the “Me as well” button. As long as the bug remains unfixed, the only way to obtain additional magic wands is to take them out from debug.

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Magic Wands

Once you’ve become a wizard, you need to be equipped with items that match the new position. That is the magic wand. In essence, magic wands are not required to perform spells, as the Sim can function spells without them, and it doesn’t affect their effectiveness. However, I agree that it adds a dramatic effect. Visual effects while practicing magic using all wands is identical. However, the selection of rods can be quite varied and can include as many as 10 different kinds. There is another color option; however, due to the difficulties mentioned earlier, you aren’t able to find them yet in the game. However, even without these, your wizard still has many choices. In the image below, you will see what various wizards look like in the primary and alternate colors.

Some cases display sticks available in the purchase mode for 50 simoleons. However, unfortunately, only one wand can be put within each. The cabinet itself is set on the floor or on a surface (dining tables or corners tables and coffee tables dressers, desks, and a few pedestals from the companion “At Work “).

The table below outlines the principal kinds of wands required for collecting the collection.

icon Title Description Rarity Cost

Magic wand of the tree of time
The magic wand constructed of old wood was created using the past techniques and beautifully reflects the time when the magic wand was the symbol of your passion for art, not of wealth or position.
20 SS

Wooden magic wand
Wooden wand. It is the perfect first copy to add to your collection. Easy wand.
40 SS

Magic wand of natural magic
The magic wand was created not by machines instead through the work of master woodworkers. Each tool is distinctive in its unique way.
64 SS

Astral magic Wand
The magic wand is constructed from moonstone and infused with astral vapor. This allows it to hold the energy of billions of galaxies.
80 SS

The Magic Wand from the Sylvan Forest
This wand is made by hand by a local in Sylvan Glade and has extraordinary strength.
260 SS

Magic wand of the Mage
Do you want to see a magic trick? Magic wands are great for magicians who like to get their magic pets from the hats… This method was banned centuries ago because of the brutal treatment of pets who were magical.
200 SS

Bone Magic Wand
Bone wands are more robust than the wooden version. Don’t bother asking what the source of the bone is…
140 SS

The Magic Wand of Marble
The wand made of marble is stronger than bone or wooden wands. It is embellished with natural stones and appears stunningly elegant.
104 SS

Spirit Wand
This magical wand is made out of the earth’s crust and is infused with the power of all spirits.
340 SS

the Magic Wand of the Forgotten
The magic wand was created from the spirit of the dungeon, and it holds the secrets you’ve yet to uncover.
400 SS


A broom, similar to the magic wand, is not only a thing to collect. Broomsticks are an instrument of transportation that accentuates the power of your wizard. Unfortunately, flying with the broom is like bats within the vampire’s game. The Sim is seated on the broom and then soars up, and… it teleports to the desired place. There isn’t a separate ability to fly on a broom. However, inexperienced wizards may slide off the broom first while taking off and then landing, but their skills will develop as opposed to wands, no brooms of all kinds with just five. But, there are many choices of colors available between four and six colors in each type. In the image below, you’ll look at all the possible colors.

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Furthermore, every kind of broom also has distinct visual effects in flight and landing. The magic broom features soap bubbles, while the traditional Broom is surrounded by dust in a cloud, while the rocket features sparks of purple and pink and flames. The knotty broom comes with sparks and dust, while the crystal zoomer is adorned with sparks that are in line with the color of the crystal broom.

Brooms are brooms that have special racks like in The Sims 3; alas, it’s not the case, but they can be tucked away by hanging them from the walls in the house. Particularly since some can be used as a decorative element.

The table lists the most common types of brooms to choose to add to your collection.

Icon Title Description Rarity Cost

Magic mop
The traditional wooden broom has been well-tested and tested over the years. It is powerful enough to take you from point A to B. It is also perfect for anyone who wants to be a wizard.
40 SS

Classic wooden broom
The wooden broom of old is well-tested and tested over the years. It is powerful enough to take you from point A to B. It is also great for those who are just beginning their journey.
140 SS

Rocket Broom
This broom, known as the rocket, is filled with magic and fly at great speed. Higher! Faster!”
800 SS

Boughwood Broom
The broom was carved from an old tree that is a part of the magical world. The knotty wood broom is a natural curly form. The most important thing is that it doesn’t fly as it appears.
240 SSS

Crystal Zoomer
The broom is powered by crystals from the world of magic which is why it travels fast enough that it opens portals that are interdimensional. But where are they going to lead? !
1200 SS

The Spheres Magic Pets

Another intriguing part of the collection is the magical pet spheres (hereafter known as magical the spheres). They’re not just decorative. They also have unique pets (familiars). If a wizard is presented with an orb, he can tie a familiar (the “Choose a magical pet” option), and then the sphere vanishes from his backpack, and the wizard can summon and release his chosen pet. If you no longer require the name, you are able to “Release” the orb, and it will be returned to its sphere. The sphere is then placed within the Sim’s bag. In essence, a pet that is magical is an animal that follows your wizard around. But, it has beneficial characteristics. For instance, they could alert the wizard master to the dangers of his magic charge and may even protect him from the brink of death.

We’ll discuss more of the magic pets another time, but for now, let’s get right back into the collections. The collection includes 12 magic spheres total. Each includes a particular magical pet. This table lists the spheres as well as their associated familiars.


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